Anyway it's been only almost a day but I felt I've walked SO much!!
It started after I left sy's house at 8.15am this morning!
[Stayed over at her place last night and watched Feng Yun! =D (to get ready for part 2 wahaha) Its not too bad, I like Wen Chou Chou! Very funny character haha. I hate the female lead lol. Not the actress, just the role. bleh. -_- ]
Took a cab to punggol, visited the clinic famous for acne treatments! 'Its' growing!! NOOOooo.... total nightmare. I have few 'cursed' spots, forehead cheek and chin. IT JUST KEEP COMING BACK. SAME PLACE. I think I've tolerated the monster long enough so I hope this time the doctor can help me ELIMINATE it. Q-ed about half an hour to see the master for 5 mins. SUPER FAST. He gave me 'stuff' that could save me from agony lol and I shall obediently take them till I go back a month later! =D
Feeling kinda bored I thought maybe I could shop in Hougang Mall. Since not everyday I'll be there and its so rare I'm out in the morning! (BESIDES WORK.) I took a bus that goes to Hougang Ctrl (had the impression the mall is beside the ctrl) After a few stops.. just to make sure, I asked the lady sitting beside me. She told me the mall is in another direction and I should change bus. This part I'm quite proud of myself (lol donno why), I told her its ok I've never been here so I'll just go hougang ctrl. It's like quite cool?? Just go to wherever the bus takes you to! Felt carefree and safe suddenly and just wander about. I can always go elsewhere from the ctrl. (I used to freak out when I got lost IN MY NEIGHOURHOOD. And break out in sweats at outram control while figuring out the purple line- was stuck for 15mins before I ask the guard.)
Anyway the auntie suggest I drop off as there's another small mall. Somehow I'm convinced and alighted! (so adventurous) Walk walk lala~ to Heartland Mall! Ooh... I've seen this place lol. Wanted call daryl for breakfast actually but I lost his number. So random it might freak him out too, so oh well, a day to myself! Had chill breakfast at kfc and a small amusement at the counter. (honestly I'm always nervous to order. I'll keep thinking how/what to say.) Finally decided what I want:
Lady: Hi good morning, what would you like to order?
Me: er yes. .good morning! I would like a twisted meal.
#@$*%&!!!! A TWISTED MEAL????? I seriously hope she and WHOEVER behind me didn't hear ANYTHING. I almost burst! I CONTROLLED myself (get a gripp!!), I QUICKLY corrected myself.
Me: i mean TWISTER MEAL. ya, twister meal.
... (VERY embarrassed.)
For the whole noon, I went Hougang Mall, Shaw Tower, Bras Brasah, BACK to Shaw Tower. Actually I wanted to get something there but the shop wasn't open.. (opening hrs for sunday is 2.30pm) So I spent about 2hrs at bookstores before going back.
I'm back at shaw and the shop still not open! I called the number pasted on the door. She said she's delayed and will come in another 15mins. Tsk tsk.. 3.30pm then I see her slowly walk in open door. Almost rotted. And yes, got my stuff.
Anyway while waiting for the lady to come, I noticed an interesting 'poster' outside. About 10 words.
Essential Words To Remember
The most damaging 1-letter word is I. Avoid it.
The most satisfying 2-letter word is We. Use it.
The most poisonous 3-letter word is Ego. Kill it.
The most used 4-letter word is Love. Value it.
The most pleasing 5-letter word is Smile. Keep it.
The most fastest spreading 6-letter word is Rumour. Ignore it.
The most enviable 7-letter word is Success. Achieve it.
The most nefarious 8-letter word is Jealousy. Distance it.
The most powerful 9-letter word is Knowledge. Acquire it.
The most essential 10-letter word is Confidence. Maintain it.
.. the one I agree the most probably is the first one. It may be true 'who would love you if you don't love yourself first'. And i agree there's nothing wrong to give yourself the best. Abit contradicting o_o Maybe unless no one loves you that results to you have to fight things for yourself cos you only left.. yourself? Omg even worse, you may have given alot but nobody appreciated. To the point that you can never depend on others because its so tiring if you anticipate return. Wait I'M NOT EMO-ING ah. I'm amazed myself, trying to think as I type lol. Getting scary and complicated. I just want a 'i love you, you love me' world. GROUP HUG! >_<
Meaning not everything you do is going to revolve only 'ME!'. Ok maybe I mean in the selfish way. Normal-loving yourself is ok haha. I think I do have my selfish moments.. like.. eating a steak all by myself. HAHA ok give few pieces away is fine. (if i forget, just tell me you wanna try! =D) Erm.. don't really know what I want to say. Weird topic.
Maybe I feel I need to show more concern to people around me. Because my life is important because I have you!
Omg am I hearing applause???? kidding haha.
I'm gonna go hug my family now. lol I'm suddenly humming ~heal the worlddddd~ make it a better place~~ for YOU and for me~ and the entire human raceee~
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